A conversation ignited from the colour of a shirt is what brought Fouroz to life by our founders Pallavi and Avi.
Fouroz isn't just about clothes, it's your way into emerging into something of your own, standing out and taking on the world just the way you want to.

Forget fitting in – we're here for the soul-seekers, dreamers, and trendsetters who dance to their own beat. We take pride in being a brand that is all about confidence, uniqueness, innovation, and authenticity.
We are here to push boundaries, challenge conventions, and redefine the very essence of fashion.
Everyday at Fouroz, our sophisticated, engaging, unique, and enthusiastic conversations reflect our commitment to creating meaningful connections with our audience, one conversation at a time.

With us, it is all about creating memories and inspiring self discovery that lasts a lifetime.
Because we believe in 'No Ice Breakers Needed'.
our mission and vision
core values